After 4 months of rain, the mud is a living entity. It tried to eat the beer truck. Or maybe drink it.
A lot of the population had already left to go to the cemetery. There was a funeral thins morning. There seems to be a funeral every Saturday morning, followed by drinking in the plaza followed by drinking in the cemetery. I'm not sure what people do for entertainment if there's a week when no one dies. But those of us left watched the efforts to liberate the beer truck.
A lot of shouting and consulting was involved. Several ropes broke. By the way, that's my new host dad in the blue vest. Yes, I've moved to a new host family home, right on the plaza. It's great--within one block of the primary school, girls' high school, boys' high school, town hall, health post, the church, the weekly farmer's market, our 3 restaurants, my family's store, and, of course, exciting developments like the beer truck getting stuck in the mud.
and they promise me that within a month, the rain will stop.