In March, everyone in the Environment (MAC) program from our year--that's 14 of us--gathered for more training. The first part of training was in Chosica. Each of us brought a community member to the training, which was on how to design a project and develop a budget for it.
I brought Chasqui and Kristi brought Mily. It was very good training, but it was a lot of information in a few long days. It was great to see our training class, though. It seems like everyone is thriving in their sites. It was interesting to meet other volunteers' work partners, too.
Peace Corps tries to make training as useful as possible. We worked on an actual project and got individual feedback from the trainers. Here we are with Luis, talking about how to frame goals for our ecotourism initiative.
Afterward, everyone got certificates of participation.
After that, our community partners left and MAC Peru 20 received more training and went through the ordeal of presenting our community diagnostics. It was kind of weird to be back in the training center, hearing about safety and medical and how to deal with assessment documents. Being in site is way better than training. It is nice to see how far we've come since training, in just a few months. I was pleased to hear compliments from the director of Spanish language training on how much my language skills have improved.
I bet you can guess which was whose.
My diagnostic included lots more information, from interviews, documents from government offices, and lots of personal observations. It was a good presentation, and I was really glad when it was OVER.
We had some field training also. We went up into the mountains a ways to plant more trees in a location a previous volunteer had started.It was a pretty place.
I planted some trees. I hope they grow.
The best part was working together with some of my favorite people.
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